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Title: Estratégias regulatórias de incentivo à inovação, à competitividade e à inclusão financeira no contexto das inciativas do open banking e do Pix
Authors: Rangel, Juliana Cabral Coelho
Keywords: Banco Central do Brasil
Central Bank of Brazil
Bancos - Brasil
Banks and banking - Brazil
Regulação financeira - Brasil
Financial regulation - Brazil
Bancos - Serviços ao cliente - Brasil
Banks and banking - Customer services - Brazil
Bancos - Inovações tecnológicas - Brasil
Banks and banking - Technological innovations - Brazil
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publisher: Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social
Abstract: This article aims to address, from the perspective of the recent initiatives of the Brazilian Instant Payment System (Pix) and the Open Financial System (open banking), how the Central Bank of Brazil seeks to assume a new regulatory role, through the adoption of strategies to encourage innovation, competitiveness and financial inclusion, in order to deal with a national financial sector increasingly dynamic, innovative and composed of new players. Traditional regulation, based on the classic idea of State command and control and which uses the application of sanctions to regulates, is no longer able to provide a satisfactory response to the needs of a constantly changing financial ecosystem, which highlights the urgency of regulatory mechanisms more flexible, decentralized and open to experimentalism to promote the desired regulatory reconnection.
Other Identifiers: RANGEL, Juliana Cabral Coelho. Estratégias regulatórias de incentivo à inovação, à competitividade e à inclusão financeira no contexto das inciativas do open banking e do Pix = Regulatory strategies to encourage innovation, competitiveness and financial inclusion in the context of open banking and PIX initiatives. Revista do BNDES, Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, n. 55 , p. [87]-111, jun. 2021.
Appears in Collections:Produção BNDES - Artigos

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