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Title: Honey without money? Kaizen effects on Brazilian firms
Authors: Sousa, Filipe Lage de
Keywords: Administração - Brasil
Management - Brazil
Produtividade Brasil
Productivity - Brazil
Avaliação de impacto - Brasil
Impact assessment - Brazil
Inovação - Brasil
Innovation - Brazil
Issue Date: Aug-2020
Publisher: Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social
Abstract: One of the key drivers for a firm’s productivity growth is management. One management practice considered cost effective is Kaizen. Originally from Japan, the Kaizen basic concept is continuous improvement with the involvement of the full workforce. Using firm-level dataset from Brazil’s innovation and manufacturing surveys, this paper evaluates quantitatively whether Kaizen has impacted the performance of domestic firms. Our initial results suggest a productivity premium on Kaizen adopters, yet when it materializes is not detectable in the short-term. Moreover, impact on innovation is observable after Kaizen implementation. Understanding these outcomes with a qualitative approach, our analysis highlights the importance of Kaizen on innovation, especially by improving worker’s time at production line as well as the long-term vision of Kaizen on productivity.
Other Identifiers: SOUSA, Filipe Lage de et al. Honey without money? Kaizen effects on Brazilian firms. Rio de Janeiro: Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social, 2020. (Discussion papers; 150)
Appears in Collections:Produção BNDES - Textos para Discussão BNDES

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