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Title: Avaliação de flexibilidades em infraestrutura portuária: uma abordagem por opções reais
Authors: Assis, Ana Carolina Velloso
Keywords: Análise econômica
Economic analysis
Avaliação (Finanças) - Brasil
Valuation - Brazil
Infraestrutura (Economia) - Brasil
Infrastructure (Economics) - Brazil
Portos - Brasil
Harbors - Brazil
Projetos - Avaliação
Projects evaluation
Opções reais (Finanças) - Metodologia - Brasil
Real options (Finance) - Methodology - Brazil
Investimentos de capital - Brasil
Capital investments - Brazil
Contêineres - Brasil
Containers - Brazil
Infraestrutura de transportes - Brasil
Transport infrastructure - Brazil
Issue Date: Jun-2020
Publisher: Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social
Abstract: Infrastructure projects are characterized by long maturity and high capital investments. These projects present uncertainties that impact the economic and financial viability. Traditional methods of valuation fail to capture managerial flexibilities that add value to such projects. It becomes relevant to use optimization methods under uncertainty, which complement the traditional analysis. In this study a model was developed for decision making of expansion of a container port terminal in Brazil. In addition to providing a broader view of the port sector in Brazil, its contribution is the development of a flexible option pricing model, which can be adapted to other infrastructure project modeling, allowing the optimal expansion exercise.
Other Identifiers: ASSIS, Ana Carolina Velloso; SILVA, Rafael Igrejas da. Avaliação de flexibilidades em infraestrutura portuária: uma abordagem por opções reais = Valuation of port structure flexibilities: an approach by real options. BNDES Setorial, Rio de Janeiro, v. 27, n. 53, p. 89-121, jun. 2020.
Appears in Collections:Produção BNDES - Artigos

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